Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Practicum V

I collaborated with Sue on ideas for the district library website. We both showed each other ideas we had found from other school library web sites. Neither of us have been very impressed with what we have found so far.

We decided I should make a mockup of what our web site could potentially look like, so we at least have something to work with. Then we will revise it from there.

Sue also gave me administrative access to Destiny so I can play around with it and figure out what we want on our Destiny page.

1-D. Stimulating Learning Environment – Maintain an attractive,
positive educational climate in a technology-rich library media center.

Help create district Library web site.

K-12: 0.5 Total Hours: 5.0

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Practicum IV

Collaborated with the principal for the multimedia Martin Luther King Day presentation. (Powerpoint, DVD, and use of a document camera to present a book.) I have been mulling over ever sense how we could have used the technology in a more efficient way.

Worked with the 5th graders on their flip camera project during their library time.

2-B. Effective and Knowledgeable
Teacher – Implement information skills instruction in partnership with teachers and other

Collaborate with teachers to integrate technology in instruction.

K-5: 1.5 Total Hours: 4.5

Friday, January 15, 2010

Practicum III

I met with Sue to plan a lesson on book reviews that we will be doing with one of the 3rd grade classes. We also talked about some of the logistics of setting up a NASA virtual field trip for the 5th grade.

2-B. Effective and Knowledgeable
Teacher – Implement information skills instruction in partnership with teachers and other

Collaborate with teachers to integrate technology in instruction.

I also had a District Technology meeting about updating the acceptable use policy.

3-C. Educational Leader - Serve on, or lead, a school or district committee. This may be a
technology planning committee, curriculum committee, or any other group planning or
revising district policies and procedures.

Participate in district technology committee.

Level K-12: 0.5 K-5: 0.5 Total Hours: 3

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Practicum II

I was researching virtual field trips. Sue and I want to use the high school distance education lab for a virtual field trip with the 2nd and 5th grade classes that I co-teach. So far the best options look like the Milwaukee Museum and NASA.

Goal: 2-B. Effective and Knowledgeable
Teacher – Implement information skills instruction in partnership with teachers and other

Collaborate with teachers to integrate technology in instruction.

Level: K-5 Hours: 0.5 Total Hour: 2

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Practicum Hours I

Planned with Sue about how to meet the goals of my practicum

Level: K-12 Hours: 1.5 Total Hours: 1.5

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

325 Final Blog Entry

I've gotten the opportunity to work with a variety of forms of software for this class.

While I have learned a few more functions of Powerpoint, I can't say I am crazy about it. It doesn't seem to transfer well from Mac to PC or from one form of Microsoft Office to another.

I do like Photostory, however. So far, even though we are just in the beginning stages, it seems to be a lot more student-friendly that similar software like Microsoft Moviemaker. I also present it at a workshop for the staff. I found that the staff who are already comfortable with technology were excited about the possibilities for their students. The staff that weren't comfortable with technology were excited that it was so accessible for them. That one is a keeper.

I also found it interesting how much creating an internet page has changed since my last attempt. I tried to teach myself Dreamweaver in the past, and it wound up literally giving me nightmares. I decided to go with google sites to make my web quest. While it is kind of awkward, and not exactly user-friendly, it is a huge step up from Dreamweaver. I'll be curious to see how google sites, or software like it, evolves in the future.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

2nd 325 Blog

Since our first class, I ran the technology for the WITESOL conference, and have been spending a lot more time helping out our staff with various forms of technology. In the process I have noticed, digital immigrant that I am, while I often know what I am doing, frequently I lack the vocabulary to describe it. I'll need to improve my vocabulary for any areas I want to teach.

I did take your suggestion and opt for Photostory 3 for my students to do movies with their states projects. I will be demonstrating it to them on Friday for the first time. Also, now that Photostory 3 is installed in our computer lab, I will be giving a mini workshop on it to the staff next week for our Technology Tuesday during our lunch hour.

The other major thing I have learned are about the elements of design. I still have a lot to learn...but now I at least have a better idea, and a better reference book, for when something just doesn't look right.